12th English Menti Test-3

12th English Menti Test-3, यहाँ से टेस्ट लगाये, Bihar Center


12th English Menti Test-3, यहाँ से टेस्ट लगाये, Bihar Center

12th English Menti Test-3:

1.The house caught fire, All the furniture was burnt.

(Choose the suitable combinations)

(A) The house caught fire and all the furniture was burnt.

(B) The house having caught fire, all the furniture was burnt.

(C) All the furniture was burnt when the house caught fire.

(D) As the furniture burnt, the house caught fire.


2.He abstains from wine. (Choose the suitable negative sentences)

(A) Wine not take he.                (B) He does not take wine.

(C) Taking wine not him.           (D) Wine not taking by him.

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3.I saw the Red Fort. (Choose the suitable negative sentences)

(A) I did not fail to see the Red fort.     (B) I didn’t see the Red fort.

(C) I had not seen the Red fort.            (D) I didn’t try to see the Red fort.


4.Everyone would run from a lion.(Choose the suitable negative sentences)

(A) Everyone would not run from a lion.        (B) Who would not run from a lion?

(C) Everyone will not run from a lion.           (D) Who does not it run from a lion.


5.Shall I ever forget those happy days?(Choose the suitable negative sentences)

(A) I shall not forget those happy days.(B) Shall I not ever forget those happy days.

(C) I shall never forget those happy days.  (D) I shall ever forget those happy days.


6.”The Old Playhouse and other Poems’ are written by

(A) Sarojini Naidu                     (B) Mamta Kalia

(C) Mahadevi Verma                 (D) Kamala Das


7.Komal was looking …… the new dress.(Choose the suitable Prepositions)

(A) at                              (B) by

(C) in                              (D) on


8.My house is …… the river. (Choose the suitable Prepositions)

(A) on                             (B) in

(C) across                        (D) above


9.I live…… London. (Choose the suitable Prepositions)

(A) in                              (B) at

(C) of                              (D) from


10.He will come……….. 7 O’clock. (Choose the suitable Prepositions)

(A) by                             (B) in

(C) from                          (D) of

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11.Her employer always finds fault ………. her.(Choose the suitable Prepositions)

(A) by                             (B) in

(C) at                              (D) to


12.Choose the correct sentence

(A) The clock has struck seven.           (B) The clock has struck seven hours.

(C) The clock strike seven.                   (D) Struck seven by the clock.

13.Choose the correct sentence

(A) I have a cat and the cat is black.     (B) I have a cat and a cat is black.

(C) That cat is black is my.                  (D) Black is cat is mine.


14.Choose the correct sentence

(A) I have a homework to do.               (B) I have homework to do.

(C) I will have homework to do.          (D) I having homework to do.


15.Choose the correct sentence.

(A) She lives to an apartment.              (B) She lives in an apartment.

(C) She lives of an apartment.              (D) She lives on an apartment.


16.Copper is …… useful metal. (Choose the best article)

(A) a                     (B) an

(C) the                   (D) None of these


17.This is ……… one-act play. (Choose the best article)

(A) a                               (B) an

(C) the                            (D) None of these


18.She is ………… most beautiful girl. (Choose the best article)

(A) a                               (B) an

(C) the                            (D) None of these


19.Mt. Everest is …………. highest mountain.(Choose the best article)

(A) a                               (B) an

(C) the                            (D) None of these

20.I have …… one rupee note. (Choose the best article)

(A) a                               (B) an

(C) the                            (D) None of these


21.Choose the correctly spelt word

(A) Heratage                   (B) Heretage

(C) Heiretage                   (D) Heritage


22.Choose the correctly spelt word

(A) remembrance             (B) remimberence

(C) rimimbirance             (D) remmebreance


23.Choose the correctly spelt word

(A) plastic                       (B) plestik

(C) plastic                       (D) plistak


24.Choose the correctly spelt word

(A) harinoney                  (B) harmony

(C) harmenoy                  (D) harmonye


25.Choose the correctly spelt word

(A) mustache                   (B) moustache

(C) mostache                   (D) mestache


26.A place for luggage at a railway station is called (Choose the best option)

(A) Compartment             (B) Waiting room

(C) Cloak room               (D) Platform

27.He has read ………… Vedas.(Choose the correct option)

(A) a                               (B) an

(C) the                            (D) no article


28.My scissors ……not very useful. (Choose the most correct option)

(A) is                              (B) are

(C) has                            (D) have


29.The jury …… divided in their opinions.(Choose the most correct option)

(A) was                           (B) were

(C) has                            (D) have


30.The great scholar and poet …… died.(Choose the most correct option)

(A) have                          (B) has

(C) is                              (D) are

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